exe-related settings and values that do not exist in any Rendering.ini/xml files, such as CharacterShadowsFallbackDistance=40 tweak, discovered by Asmodian, I believe? Then I was also curious how it is we can Increased Draw Distance mod that does increase draw distance considerably, but many meshes/objects/geometry still manages to pop sometimes just feet away from Geralt! I believe someone referred to those items as "Proxies" and the only solution so far is creation of an additional texture for that asset, something that is supposedly being worked on by someone, but proved to be hard-to-accomplish, Is there no way to override "proxy asset draw distance", just like normal draw distance? Its so incredibly annoying, given that mods such as Increased Draw Distance maxed out completely barely reduce FPS on today's mainstream PC's with cards, such as GTX 1080, let alone GTX 1080 Ti.įinally, I am curious about where there is now a list of "tweaks" or render settings that are known to actually make a difference and are not hard-locked or do not break the game (like MaxCubeShadowSize breaking shadows past value of 512)? Is there a way to find. I think No-Cut-Scene-Lighting mod attempts to do that, but fails in my cases and of course has that highly-limited "short-view-distance-blue-fog optimization". I was hoping by now there would be a mod that would entirely eliminate the difference between in-game non-cut-scene lighting and in-game cut-scene lighting. Is there a mod that forces such illumination to be enabled at all times OR does the opposite by disabling the effect entirely? Personally, I find this effect and transition very annoying. ] believe some referred to this effect as "Global Illumination". Upon ending that conversation, there will be a transition during which lights will slowly fade.

The room will go from semi-dark to very-bright. I noticed that no matter what lighting mod is used - be it STLM, or Extended View Distance or No Cut-Sscene Lighting or Cut-Scene Lighting, the actual strength of lighting from light sources in certain cut-scenes will always change.

'Global Illumination' enabler/enforcer mod?