I suppose this is something the SQL Developer team could change if they want. The pinned icon seems to be handled separately as its own icon. With SQL Developer, opening multiple instances of the same version presents as 2 overlapping icons, but opening a different version will display its own icon. Similar to Microsoft Office apps - 2 overlapping icons no matter how many documents are open. Pinning Open Office, you get one icon For Open Office, then opening text documents or spreadsheets present as 2 overlapping icons (no matter how many documents have been opened). In the case of VirtualBox, opening (starting up) multiple VM's will cause 2 overlapping icons to appear. For example, if you pin NetBeans or VirtualBox, you get one icon in Task Bar, then actually starting them produces no additional icons in the Task Bar.

Some applications do not permit multiple instances of themselves to run simultaneously. I guess that is just the way the SQL Developer currently handles its interaction with the Task Bar.