Having power creep in GTA real life vehicles mode form of GTA 6 would likewise be adequate. Something else, all ahead of schedule to mid-missions would be totally downplayed. If GTA real life modes has advanced vehicles in the base game, having it be opened close to the furthest limit of the game would be the most attractive approach to do as such.

Most advanced vehicles can fly in GTA real life vehicles mode, however they have weapons and covering over most remodel. Modern cars and modes would have practically used in the game, and these can be spawn without playing any mission. Real life vehicles can be added manually for GTA 5, If something like the Oppressor Mk II existed in GTA real life mode's base game, essentially any remaining vehicles would be refuted (except if it was intensely nerfed). Considering the way that any mode and method with respect to GTA real life modes are essentially important at the present time, it's hard to measure how much GTA 5 advanced vehicles would bring to GTA real life modes. GTA real life modes are quite possibly the most amazing upgrades ever, yet a few fans keep thinking about whether the real life vehicles found in GTA 5 would fit the environment of the game.