
Hearts of iron 4 germany guide
Hearts of iron 4 germany guide

hearts of iron 4 germany guide

Follow my blog - no WordPress account required. You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Google account. Likes: collecting coins by selling oileating one-up mushrooms purchased with oil money and rescuing princesses, occasionally reinstating the persian empire. Likes: Being annexed by Germany, having war declared on him for no reason, Croatian uprisings, starting his own faction with Romania then getting instantly invaded, fresh AF uniforms. Likes: losing wars to emus, being killed by wildlife, getting beaten up by kangaroos, being burned alive by the sun, koalas, wobble-boards.ĭislikes: living in an actually safe and danger-free country, spiders smaller than a human hand, crocodiles that do not kill people. Likes: Hockey, demanding patriation from Britain then doing absolutely nothing, shovelling show, befriending moose. Likes: Plunder, Making enemies walk the plank, parrots, telescopes, monocles, unicycles, evil schemes for world domination. Likes: being puppeted by Germany, Monarchist coups, joining the Allies for no reason then capitulating, giving Bessarabia to papa.

hearts of iron 4 germany guide hearts of iron 4 germany guide

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask our wiki admin or a member of our staff.Likes: Re-annexing Elsass-Lothringien, bullying France, long dutch beach holidays, moustache pamper clinics, playing earrape German anthems while annexing territories. If you've just made a new account, but you're unable to edit, don't despair you may need to wait a little while before you can edit! If you hit the "Expand" button, you'll find some tools that may help to create certain types of new pages. The wiki is open for anyone with a Fandom account to edit, so long as you follow our Style Guide. If it's your first time visiting, we recommend getting acquainted with the key events, individuals, and countries that shaped the world of Kaiserreich from the start of the Weltkrieg in 1914 until the present day of 1936. The Kaiserreich wiki is an in-universe encyclopedia, reflecting the Kaiserreich universe as it exists at the beginning of the game. The Kaiserreich Credits page can be accessed here. If you have any questions, or need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to our staff! The wiki is an ongoing project and so help is always welcome, but if you wish to contribute, please make sure you've read our rules and our style guide first. This wiki is meant as a repository for all canonical Kaiserreich lore and information, where all pages are written "in-universe" as if by someone from within that timeline. Welcome to the official wiki for Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game, and Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Interactive that asks the question: " What if Germany had won the First World War?" As 1936 dawns, the Weltkrieg's legacy lies heavy upon the shoulders of a new generation.

Hearts of iron 4 germany guide