Since that event ended, however, the controversial Infinity Blade has yet to make another appearance. The Infinity Blade briefly returned to Fortnite in early 2019 as part of a Limited Time Mode called "Sword Fight." In this aptly-named mode, players could scramble to pick up randomly dropped bladed weapons, with the possibility of multiple Infinity Blades being wielded at once by different players. It finally disappeared after a further patch from Epic. For a few days afterward, the Blade was still spawning in random matches, almost as if it refused to die. ChAIR has kept the goods and added a whole lot more in Infinity Blade II. Due to the negative feedback, Epic pulled the Infinity Blade from the game. The first Infinity Blade was a hit with its beautiful graphics, innovative gameplay, and endless replay value.

Simply put, the Infinity Blade was more or less the Golden Snitch of Fortnite: as soon as someone grabbed it, the game was all over for the rest of the players on the field. While this initially seemed like a really fun gimmick, the addition of the Infinity Blade quickly backfired on Epic, with many players complaining about balance issues, due to the weapon's immense power.